Credit cards are a great way to purchase things, since they let you make a [...]
At the start of this year, the state of New Jersey eliminated its bail system [...]
Nearly 3 years ago, in November of 2014, Californians voted to pass Proposition 47. Prop [...]
Most people would agree that sleep is an amazing thing. It helps us separate one [...]
Just about everybody has had to deal with a noisy neighbor at least once in [...]
Car enthusiasts value their vehicles more than many other things in their lives; it is [...]
The upside to turning 18 years old is finishing high school, getting ready for college, [...]
Identity theft can be a huge disaster for the person who had his or her [...]
Being stressed is never much fun, yet so many things can cause people stress on [...]
Yet again, a certain airline has made its way into headlines. This time a rabbit [...]
It is warming up here in California, meaning that fire season is growing closer. Nobody [...]
T here are so many ways to avoid drinking and driving these days, so why [...]
Summer is approaching, and for residents of the Antelope Valley, that means it’s time for [...]
These days, there is no denying how powerful social media is. It is a great [...]
I t would not surprise most people to learn that teenagers love their smartphones. Teens [...]