Fast Salinas Bail Bond Store Services – California Laws About Bail Bond Store

Salinas Bail Bond Store

  • Bail bond companies cannot solicit a defendant for posting a bond.
  • The defendant may request a review of bail. However, the bail amount is rarely readjusted after it has been set.
  • Bail companies cannot recommend or refer attorneys to the arrested.
  • If collateral like property and vehicles are put up for the bail bond, the owner must sign a statement acknowledging that he or she understands that this property may be lost to them if the defendant skips bail and court.
  • Bail companies may not offer gifts to law enforcers or public officials as bribery.

There are more laws that surround the California justice system, and not all bail bond laws are the exact same across all states. You can learn more about California bail bond laws and procedures by contacting Salinas Bail Bond Store at or calling 831-422-8800. Salinas is a 27-year-old family-run bail bond company that serves all of California and is one of the most successful and popular companies.

Contact them today if you have questions, concerns, or need to bail a loved one out of jail!