For Your Entertainment: 7 Oddest California Laws

Morgan Hill Bail Bond Store

The below are a round-up of what we have concluded to be the 7 dumbest, silliest, most absurd laws in California (ranked in no particular order). We’re basing our criteria mostly on the fact that we’re dumbfounded as to why these are even laws because they’re just out-right “w-t-f.” We hope you find this entertaining (and probably a little bit informative, just in case you were planning on committing one of these…):

  1. In Indian Wells, it’s illegal to lure anyone into a store by playing the trumpet. Any other instrument should be fine though!
  2. In Hollywood, it’s illegal to herd over 2,000 sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at once. You’ll have to leave some at home. Maybe this became a law because well, Hollywood is kind of weird…
  3. It’s illegal for animals to mate within 1,500 feet of a school or place of worship. So for all those birds, rats, mice, etc. that do not belong to anyone, beware! No one will know who you are and no one will bail you out of jail!
  4. In Fresno, it’s illegal to annoy a lizard in a city park. Don’t go crying to the lizards over your next breakup.
  5. In Dana Point, it is illegal to use your bathroom if the window is open. For privacy when showering, that’s great. But good luck trying to get rid of that gross smell after you go #2.
  6. No vehicle may be going over 60 miles per hour if there is no driver. No need to be concerned about any driverless car going under 60 miles per hour – we believe in ghosts.
  7. In Carmel, a man may not leave his house wearing a jacket and pants that do not match, and a woman may not wear high heels. The Carmel police department must really be the fashion police.


We’re pretty confident none of you will ever get arrested for disobeying these laws, but in case you did, don’t say we didn’t warn you. Don’t worry though, even if you did get arrested, we at Morgan Hill Bail Bond Store will help bail you out of jail and we’d certainly be very astounded that you even got arrested for this in the first place. These laws are too silly to be serious.

For more information about bail bonds, call Morgan Hill Bail Bond Store at 831-422-8800 or click here to CHAT WITH US.